Posts tagged education
Determining Accessibility and Availability of Gifted Information on School District Websites

Disparities exist across all facets of educational programs, including gifted programming. Inequities in gifted education have been described as a symptom of prolonged societal dilemmas leading to lack of gifted identification and limited access to gifted programs for students from underrepresented populations. In essence, awareness and access are the first steps towards equity in gifted education.

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Policy Considerations for Twice-Exceptional Students

Twice-exceptional students are those with an identified disability (e.g., ASD, SLD, ADHD) and high ability or academic talent. Typically, twice-exceptional students’ disabilities are supported through Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 Accommodation Plans, but their talent domains may be overlooked for a host of reasons, one being the absence of federal mandates related to talented and gifted education.

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“Our classrooms really are a place where history can be changed.” – A Q&A with Orlene Badu

If it were up to us everyday would be marked as a teacher appreciation day. Amongst the most important jobs in the world, that of a teacher can not be acknowledged enough. Teachers and schools play a significant role in not just impacting individual lives but society at large. In this short Q&A Orelene Badu, the author of How To Build Your Antiracist Classroom highlights just how much power teachers have within their own classrooms to further social justice and change.

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Current Issues in Schools for Identifying Students with Dyslexia

Recent advocacy efforts have led to nearly every state in the United States passing legislation related to dyslexia identification or services in schools. While researchers and policy experts may be watching for unintended consequences of dyslexia legislation, school personnel are left to make decisions about how to meet the requirements to identify students with dyslexia, screen for dyslexia risk, and provide interventions. So, what should school personnel know and consider in order to implement best practices now?

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Equitably identifying gifted students using two popular nonverbal tests: Which improves representation?

How does which test is used influence who is identified as gifted? Parents and practitioners both constantly ask this very important question, especially when considering how to equitably identify traditionally underserved populations. A new study suggests that identification varies based on which test is used as well as how the scores are interpreted.

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Teacher Racial Noticing Amid Contemporary U.S. Racial Injustices and COVID-19

Since the publication of our article, Preparing Teachers to Notice Race in Classrooms: Contextualizing the Competencies of Preservice Teachers With Antiracist Inclinations, we have witnessed the structural and ideological dangers that occur when the capacity to notice and acknowledge the racialized experiences of minoritized populations is overlooked.

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