National Inclusion Week

To mark National Inclusion Week between 26th of September to the 2nd of October, we asked some of our authors what inclusion in education means to them. Now in its 10th year, National Inclusion Week – founded by Inclusive Employers - is a week dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces.

I think of all members of staff in an educational organisation when I think of inclusion. If everyone who works in the organisation feels they belong, are valued, supported and developed, the students are more likely to feel this also.  We need all support staff, all women leaders and everyone from underrepresented groups to know their own worth and to be seen and heard - Vivienne Porritt

A core principle and process fundamental to fair and cohesive educational settings, communities, and societies. Commitment to on-going and critical thought that involves understanding of theoretical perspectives that help to explain social inequalities, respecting difference, striving to bring about balance ad positive change by combating social inequalities and listening to the diverse voices of marginalised groups, whilst acknowledging the dilemmas and tensions that inclusive ideology and mainstream education might bring about. – Paula Hamilton

For your bookshelf…

10% Braver and Being 10% Braver

Overcoming Dyscalculia and Difficulties with Number by Ronit Bird

Diversity and Marginalisation in Childhood

About the Authors