Everything you need to know about our brand new Special Collection dedicated to breast health

by Lingling Tian, Jennifer Lovick, and Samantha Taylor

Breast health is a vital field of study with significant impact worldwide, particularly due to breast cancer being a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. Recognizing its importance, Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology, Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, and Women’s Health have launched a Special Collection titled "Navigating Breast Health: From Screening to Survivorship."
This initiative aims to address the complexities of breast health and highlight the need for awareness, early detection, and innovative research. Major advancements have been made in breast imaging, diagnosis, and personalized medicine, yet research gaps persist in areas like risk assessment and treatment efficacy. By uniting our oncology and women's health journals, we strive to enhance understanding, bridge these gaps, and improve breast health outcomes.

Why should you contribute to this cross-journal Special Collection?

Broad audience reach: This Special Collection will be published in collaboration with three gold open access journals, Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology, Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, and Women’s Health. By submitting your paper to this collection, your work will gain exposure to a wide range of researchers, clinicians, and experts in the field. It provides a unique opportunity to share your findings, insights, and innovative approaches with a diverse audience, fostering collaboration and interdisciplinary dialogue.

Addressing research gaps: Despite significant progress, there are still gaps in our understanding of breast health and breast cancer. This Special Collection will bridge those gaps by consolidating the latest research findings, advancements, and emerging trends in breast health. By submitting your paper, you contribute to filling these research gaps and driving the field forward. Your work may shed light on unexplored aspects of breast health, reveal novel methodologies, or present innovative solutions, ultimately shaping the future of breast health care.

Impact on clinical practice: The findings and insights from your research have the potential to influence clinical practice. Through this Special Collection, you can disseminate your work to researchers and clinicians who are actively involved in breast health care. By sharing your discoveries and innovative approaches, you contribute to shaping clinical guidelines, enhancing treatment strategies, and improving patient outcomes. Your research has the power to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals affected by breast health concerns.

Read more about which journal to submit your research to below.

What should be submitted to Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology?

The journal, Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology (IF 2.2) will concentrate on the clinical facets of breast cancer, encompassing diagnostics, detection, and treatment. Clinical research on breast cancer is crucial as it provides valuable insights into the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease. It helps identify effective therapies, improves patient outcomes, and enhances our understanding of the disease's biology, ultimately leading to better care and improved survival rates. Breast cancer holds significant importance within our journal's scope. We have published noteworthy articles on this subject, exemplifying our commitment to advancing knowledge in this field. With the introduction of this Special Collection, we aim to attract high quality research and review papers, establishing our journal as a preferred platform for high-quality clinical breast cancer research.

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What should be submitted to Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment?

The journal, Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment (IF 2.8), is committed to providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge and insights related to the detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of cancer. Breast health, encompassing breast cancer and breast screening, aligns perfectly with the journal's overarching objectives. The journal's primary focus here is on the advancement and development of technologies for early detection, improved diagnosis and classification, and treatment of diverse breast cancer subtypes. The integration of technology in managing breast cancer, including advanced imaging techniques, innovative diagnostic tools, and precise treatments, plays a central role in the formulation of effective strategies to enhance efficacy, survival rates, and overall outcomes. By participating in this Special Collection, the journal will present pioneering technologies and comprehensive reviews that highlight the latest advances.

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What should be submitted to Women’s Health?

The journal, Women’s Health (IF 2.4) is committed to publishing multidisciplinary research that spans the whole spectrum of women’s health and acknowledges women’s health research is needed by more than just cisgender women. The Editors encourage authors to submit papers on general breast health and screening across the lifespan, menopause and breast health, the impact of exercise and diet on breast health, and advocating for breast health and breast health in LGBTQIA+ individuals. The journal also publishes ‘patient perspective’ articles and encourages patients to submit their perspectives to the collection.

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